10 Design Mistakes to Avoid

1. Using Furniture Sets

Gone are the days of purchasing full bedroom “suites” or Sofa “sets”. The most interesting way to decorate, involves pulling items from various manufacturers, in various colours, to create a theme instead of a literal “match”. You might consider pieces from disparate styles or from the same style/mode, but with different shapes, colours or fabrics.


2. Matching All Pillows

Similar to the above, there are so many fantastic pilow shapes, textures and fabrics - and absolutely no need to stick with the matching pillows that came with that sofa. Here’s your chance to shine ! And, the best part is, there is no permanence here. Change them up easily - add new ones, move them around to various pieces, or change them seasonaly.


3. Bad Lighting

Not every room gets blessed with sunlight cascading in ! In order to get the most out of our Indoor lighting, we need to work in layers. It’s really a combination of potlights for healthy general lighting, pendants for ambiance, table lamps for task work, sconces to highlight, and chandeliers for broader, yet impactful light. Often overlooked as a Design Element, a good lighting plan can greatly affect the “feel” and the functionality of the home.


4. Too Many Trinkets

Over time we end up amassing a cumulative collection of heirloom pieces, souvenirs, decor-impulse-purchases and seasonal tchahkis. It behooves us to “stand back” every year and evaluate the purpose each piece serves. Often the sheer volume crowds out the value of each.

Caveat - If you are purposefully curating an Eclectic/Maximalist look, excess decor may actually serve your Design Goals.


5. Under Or Over-sized Furniture

All of you condo-dwellers know the curse of the “fat furniture”. Those huge, luxe pieces that looked great in the showroom, and when brought home, absolutely dominate space. And not in a good way.

Conversely, purchasing diminutive pieces for a larger space can make it seem spartan and really, just “off”.

Keep in mind your room space, adjacent furniture, and walkability when eying new pieces.


6. Placing Furniture Against the Wall

Depending on the size of your room, of course, the Sofa may not NEED to be against a wall, necessarily. As long as the piece is finished nicely, consider bringing them into the space, withe walk-able room behind. This, actually, makes the room look larger.


7. Avoiding Textures/Layers

Sometimes, when we get into a groove with a certain “theme” we tend to wnat to hold fast to it. The Boho theme has been huge, as of late, but that doesn’t mean that every piece needs to be made of rattan or wicker ! Good design includes layers of textures- a mohair rug, a sequin pillow, a glossy lacquered cabinet, a crystal knob. We can still create harmony through repetition of some textures, but it needs to be in moderation.


8. Hanging Curtains Too Low

It’s a common mistake to hang curtains just above the window they are covering. However, much better to hang them as close to the ceiling as possible ( order length accordingly ). This gives the effect of a larger, grander space, and looks more modern.


9. Failing to Use Your Outdoor Space

Granted, we don’t live in the tropics. So, we can’t use our patios, decks and balconies year-round.

But, we can definitely get the most out of them in the 2-3 Seasons that are moderate enough in temp. Adding some legitimate lounge furniture, and intentional lighting, can often take this space from ad-hoc to the central area for Get-Togethers. Using this space promotes healthy living, and gives us a nice visual change from the usual living space we tend to congregate it.


10. Forgetting Your Personality

You can shove all 9 Thoughts above, in a drawer, if they don’t help you exhibit your own personality, through your home. Rules be darned ! Your space is your own - your haven and your respite. Make sure it reflects what you LOVE, and the pieces you accrue, make your heart SING.
